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How to create Custom Pages for my child's personalized yearbook?

Updated: Apr 5

Our personalization upgrade provides 3 features:

(1) Cover personalization (automatic) – a photo and name of your child on the front or back cover of the yearbook decided by your school's yearbook team. The cover is personalized automatically at no effort from you or the yearbook team.

(2) myClass pages (automatic) – Certain pages in the yearbook are enhanced or added to show more relevant photos to the classroom of your child. 4-8 myClass pages are designed automatically, at no effort from you, using photos uploaded by teachers or volunteers for each classroom. Depending on the photos availability on an average we see between 35-85 photos of each classroom utilized in the personalized yearbook. (If you have taken photos at classroom events or fieldtrips, don't forget to share them with your yearbook coordinator.)

(3) Custom pages – Pages that you design and upload on our site, for addition in your child's yearbook (upto 2 pages for elementary schools and upto 6 pages for preschools). This needs to be done on or before the last date for ordering for your school. If you want to include the Custom pages in your yearbook, login into our website and click on the link "Custom Pages" from your profile. Follow the 4 steps to create and upload the pdf of the custom pages. The following video describes the process in more detail. PS: We recommend using a non-mobile device to create and upload the Custom Pages since it is easier to find and upload the pdf for it.

Please email us at with your order number, if you need further assistance. Here are some Frequently Asked Questions...

Q. How do I make sure my Custom Pages upload went fine?

You can view the uploaded pdf by clicking on the Custom Pages link after logging into our website. Select the child name from the dropdown and you should see a button called "View PDF" appear. If you want to re-upload the custom page for your child, you can select the upload button and choose a new pdf. Every time you upload the pdf for the same child, it overwrites the previous pdf.

Q: When is the last day to design and upload custom pages?

A: The last day to order a yearbook is the last day to upload custom pages. It is different for every school, so please follow the messaging of the last day to order from your school.

Q: Can I upload my Custom Pages again? I made a mistake?

A: Yes, everytime you upload a pdf for the same child, it over-writes the previous pdf and saves the latest copy only. So feel free to re-upload as needed.

Q: How do I upload my 2nd Custom Page?

A: Both the pages need to be uploaded together as a high-resolution 8.5 by 11 pdf as configured in the template provided to you.

Q: Can I buy more than 2 custom pages for my elementary school yearbook?

A: Currently our ordering platform does not have this option. We are planning to add it for next school year.

Q: I have access to only my mobile device and am not familiar with downloading and uploading a pdf using it. Is there an alternate way to make custom pages?

A: Please send us an email at and we can provide an alternate way to upload photos for your custom pages where a person from our team will insert them in the template and design-upload these pages for your child's book.

Q: When it comes to myClass pages how would that be selected?

A: Some pages within the yearbook will be enriched with photographs contributed by the recipient's class, commonly referred to as 'myClass pages.' Each class typically collects tens of photos, often taken by the yearbook coordinator or gathered from room parents and teachers. However, due to limited space in the traditional yearbook, not all of these photos can be included. By incorporating them into the myClass pages, we can ensure that more of these cherished class memories are shared and preserved.

Q: Do we still get pictures of the school events over all, other classes pictures from other grades?

A: Yes. The book, its composition and content is exactly the same for ALL pages except for the 4-8 myClass pages, 2-6 Custom Pages (designed and uploaded by the parents/families from home) and Cover.

Q: What is the difference between personalization and customization?

A: Personalization is when our technology does the heavy lifting of designing the pages with relevant content (photos/memories/text) to the customer.

  • Customization is when you manually design the pages for your child's copy of the yearbook. This introduces extra work for families since they have to learn a design software and get familiar with the terminology.

Both these terms are used interchangeably by the general public, so that makes it harder to understand. Our upgraded yearbooks are PERSONALIZED which means that the cover and the myClass pages are automatically generated by our patent pending technology. This gives us the ability to showcase more relevant memories to each receipient without someone having to do lots of manual work to achieve similar results. In addition to personalization, we offer the ability to design and upload custom pages using photos from home to the families.

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